Growing (Change Series)

   This collection of four pieces portrays the life cycle of a tree, from seed to an adult tree; however, it’s been progressively interrupted by trash. I was inspired by a children’s coloring sheet of the life cycle of a tree. I wanted to make it have a realistic, mixed media element that speaks to today’s environmental issues, so I glued real pieces of trash on top of charcoal drawings. The cardboard gets increasingly distressed as the amount of trash becomes overwhelming to the tree.
   I cut and distressed pieces of cardboard, covered the center with vine charcoal, painted with white gesso, and drew with black and white charcoal pencil. Then, I used Gorilla glue to adhere pieces of trash of various sizes and colors to the cardboard. I had a bit of difficulty with the Gorilla glue and getting the trash to stay in the desired position.  I was happy with how the drawings, especially the seeds, turned out.


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